Our Services
Sweat Testing
Why Sweat Test…
Everyone knows that when you exercise you need to hydrate- no brainer right? …but did you know the when you are low on electrolytes, your body won’t take on that hydration? Ever had that feeling after a long hot day that you’re drinking water and its just not helping? -you end up feel bloated but still thirsty…?
Let’s back it up.. The primary electrolyte that is lost in sweat is sodium followed closely by chloride (trace amounts of magnesium, potassium and calcium are also lost). Together these electrolytes control the fluid levels in your cells and blood. When you exercise you need to replenish these electrolytes while you hydrate or your body will pass the fluids straight though because it doesn’t want to dilute the now minimal amounts of remaining electrolytes… end result- you’re drinking water but you are still dehydrated.
So how many electrolytes should you take? …Ironically too much or too little ends with similar results- cramping, nausea, confusion, tingling, dizziness, GI distress…
Incredibly, the amount of sweat/sodium lost in a person can vary up to 15 times between similar individuals! …even the very best questionnaires are still guestimations.
To accurately know what electrolytes your body needs, you need to take a Sweat Test.
What does the Sweat test involve…
Sweat Testing consist of two parts… Sweat Sodium Testing and Sweat Volume Testing.
The Sodium Test we offer is Precision Fuel & Hydration’s Patent pending Test… it is the pinnacle of sodium testing. Simple, safe and non invasive. It usually takes less than 40 minutes and can be conducted sitting whilst we discuss other factors of your training and racing. This calculates the amount of sodium you loose in 1 liter of sweat. This number varies from person to person and largely does not change after infancy, regardless of fitness or environmental factors.
The Volume Test is taken over a 1hr period of consistent effort, self administered all you need to do it follow our detailed instructions. (note: this is best done before meeting us to take the Sodium Test). The Volume Test calculates the amount of fluid you loose per hour doing a particular exercise. Results vary with fitness level, sport and environmental factors. Thus as you approach a race, it maybe wise to do a new Volume Test mimicking the events temperature, course type etc to obtain the most accurate prediction
But then… what’s next?
Collecting data is great- but only if you utilize it afterwards!
We analyze your Sweat Test information and create an easy to follow hydration strategy, just for you. We’ll advise you on when, what and how much to drink before, during and after training and competitions, so that you’re well equipped to achieve your goals.
1 Test
- 1x PF&H Sodium Sweat Test
- Detailed directions of how to take a Sweat Volume Test*
- Email follow up with results and personalized hydration plan.
- Access to discounted PF&H hydration
Small Group
5+ Tests
- 1x PF&H Sodium Sweat Test
- Detailed directions of how to take a Sweat Volume Test*
- Email follow up with results and personalized hydration plan.
- Access to discounted PF&H hydration
Large Group
10+ Tests**
- 1x PF&H Sodium Sweat Test
- Detailed directions of how to take a Sweat Volume Test*
- Email follow up with results and personalized hydration plan.
- Access to discounted PF&H hydration
* Sweat Volume Tests are usually taken unsupervised, following the directions given, utilizing a regular bathroom scale. This test can be supervised for an additional cost.
** Additional discounts available for larger groups.
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